Blog - American Capital Financial Group Blog - Page 2


22 de March de 2023

American Capital Financial finances marine fuel in Mexico

The Gulf of Mexico has become one of the most important deepwater basins in the world. The basin, which currently produces 15% of US crude, has […]
22 de March de 2023

More benefits for the cocoa industry in Ecuador

Ecuador has positioned itself as the first producer and exporter of cocoa in the region and is one of the main ones worldwide with a percentage […]
16 de November de 2022

American Capital Financial participates in the Business Roundtable in Guayaquil, Ecuador

American Capital Financial, with Juan Javier Díaz-Granados as the company’s representative, participated for the first time in the tenth edition of the Business Roundtable, organized by […]
17 de May de 2021

American Capital Financial supports solar energy in Colombia

Colombia is in a transition process to solar energy hand in hand with the Ecopetrol Group, its great ally in change. For this, the oil company […]
19 de April de 2021

ACF official partner with National Supermarket Association

NSA-Exchange is a unique online platform, designed by the National Supermarket Association, with the goal of getting businesses connected. The modality consists in that once the […]
16 de March de 2020

Sustainable Agriculture

Agriculture is the world’s largest industry. Modern agriculture exemplifies our globalized world. The term “local” food only became reintroduced because people all over the world used […]
30 de January de 2020

An Inquiry into Sustainable Businesses

Sustainability has evolved into an integral element of development. As cities, countries, and businesses enter the global market, their practices are being examined through a sustainable […]
11 de September de 2019

American Capital Financial and development finance

American Capital Financial, a Florida Corporation, whose main business activity is to finance our customers working capital needs. ACF was founded in 2003 and since 2008 […]
11 de September de 2019

Juan Carlos Zurita, honored with 2016 IFA award

Last month our exemplary managing partner, Juan Carlos Zurita, was honored by the International Finance Awards (IFA) in two categories, winning the Best Medical Equipment Financing […]